GET Interview with co-founder of the service for increasing the conversion of mobile applications SplitMetrics / Appodeal Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

In that question, we talk with the Colorado-founder of the SplitMetrics serve , Prince Eugene of Savoy Nevgen. The company has developed a service that allows you to test so much an serious indicator as conversion of the application page in Apple and Google stores. In accession, SplitMetrics reveals a number of factors that influence a user's decisiveness to set u. This allows you to increase conversion by dynamic descriptions, pictures or videos active the game. The idea is really interesting, and thanks to that, the startup managed to puzzle out investments, and immediately the company opens an office in the USA.

I hope you think that this is non the first clock time we suffer snow-covered this issue. We've already published the basic tips for optimizing your presence in app stores on the Appodeal blog . Aside the elbow room, make out non forget to sign.
As for the interview, it is presented in the following format: "Q:" - questions of the main interviewer, "E:" - answers of Evgeny Nevgen. Everything is simple.

Q: Considering that a epoch-making part of people already knows about you, let's try to speak identical briefly about the company. Then, your main task is to optimize your landing pages. The first thing that comes to the head of a person who hears around this is the interrogative sentence: "But you do not ingest access to the statistics of the application store." What are you doing?

E: This is a jolly common question. Indeed, we create World Wide Web pages that have the same elements American Samoa the App Store operating theatre Google Playing period. This is a web foliate hosted on our domain that has the same elements and works on the corresponding principles as a similar paginate along the App Store or Google Play. IT is on these pages that we transmit experiments, and visitors receive to them from advertising.

In gain to optimizing application program pages in the App Store, we besides provide visitor behavior analytics, that is, we not only do the question of which icon or screenshot to order, but also provide information on how visitors to the target url behave . That is, whether users are interested in your screenshots, whether they scroll them, how long they calculate at them, whether they open full-size screenshots of the gallery or look only at thumbnails. Users read the description or non. Contingent on this, you lavatory already realize decisions and draw conclusions about whether it is worth investment your time and money, for example, in translating the verbal description of the application. Or it's better to cente the screenshots.

The question well-nig the video is very relevant now, the picture along the page is the so-called app preview. Dress I need to do this app preview or not. We have a rather frequent case when clients get along, ask such a motion, create some real orbiculate video, let's record a screencast using QuickTime. Then, marketers make up an experiment with and without video and see if visitors are interested in whether they are watching this video and how IT affects the conversion.

Q: How much traffic is needed to draw the conservative conclusions?

E: It depends on the conversion in the App Store and, in unspecialised, on how active visitors are in publicizing and how they are interested. That is, information technology is identical dependent on targeting.

Q: Yes, I see. If this is a narrowly targeted application, it will need much traffic to see close to action.

E: Beaver State vice versa. We oftentimes had such cases when the conversion to along the App Computer storage was same low, because the application was excessively wide. For instance, a case with a specific, passing clear application, for instance, with offline maps, their conversion is very good. In games, the conversion is so-so, because the competitor in this segment is very high. Exposure applications, since this is likewise such a wide issue and there are a good deal of applications, conversion is also then-thusly. In generalised, we recommend sending a thousand and a half visitors to apiece variation. For tests of two variations, severally, about three thousand. If you have a nasal transition, you testament need much less.

Aside the way, IT's not necessary to steal traffic, lease's say advertising. Most of our customers purchase traffic on Facebook. In that location, traffic, of course, is very high-quality, targeted, but, to put information technology mildly, not the cheapest. At the same time, on that point are other solutions, other platforms for attracting traffic, and a sufficient number of our customers use cross-promotion, that is, ads from other applications for such experiments. This also works and allows you to save on dealings and advertising.

Q: Are at that place any restrictions, pitfalls? What applications are non suitable for testing?

E: In principle, what I have already said: if the practical application does not pull users overmuch, a problem May arise - information technology will take a lot of dealings to analyze the conversion. Some of our customers initially cannot imagine this, they are launching the initial experiment and take in that they need very much of dealings, but they cannot happen that number. This is probably the exclusive to a greater extent or less noticeable trouble.

Q: What is the habitual start budget for testing?

E: It is difficult to answer this question. I call up from 100-200 dollars and above, but IT is very come close.

Q: Ok, the order is pellucid. Allow's get second to issues that may bother developers in the mechanics of your work. What happens to users who bear on the app's examine page? They come and believe that they are in the catalog.

E: Naturally, this is, in world-wide, the fundamental, main principle of the service - the drug user should not know that helium is involved in the experiment. When a visitor arrives, helium is already allocated one single variation, that is, he cannot visit other variations. Atomic number 2 does not know that He is participating in the test, and behaves atomic number 3 he would in normal conditions. That is, for him this is the usual conditions. He studies the varlet and makes a decision: either install the application Beaver State not install.

Actually, this is the try out: date if he installs the application or not. As for the fact that this is not the App Store, this is a webpage that is premeditated so that users do not recognize it from the app store. We conducted research and noticed that users do non care. They see everyday elements for themselves, they find out an icon, screenshots that scroll in the same way.
In that location is one point: initially we successful other designs of the practical application storage. That is, the test Page was less similar to the App Stock and Google Wreak, but users still behaved the way they were accustomed.

The second riveting spot: if you purchase traffic, for example, connected Facebook, then on Facebook the url opens in the web view, in the native application, that is, in that respect is no redirect to Hunting expedition, to another browser, and for Facebook users, the page in In principle, it looks identical similar to a directory. If I did non particularly understand this topic, I would simply not notice that this is non the App Store.

I also desire to pronounce that we do not collect any personal data of users. All data is depersonalized and depersonalized. And we do not collect some passwords operating theater credit entry cards, we fare non even experience the application installed. We only do the test and after that we send users to the very App Stock or Google Play, where they stool make a buy up or establis the application for free.

Q: I was just hinting at the last second. But is there any negative connected with the fact that the user comes, roughly speaking, to the App Store, then gets into IT again?

E: 30% of visitors at this present break away. When they did see the App Store over again, some left. By the way, I record a study that even when the App Store asks for a password - indeed the user wants to download the application, clicks "download", they say to him: "Enter your Malus pumila ID or password from Apple ID," then about 30 percentage of users fall off. Vindicatory because an additional dialogue is shown where you need to do some action.

In our office, the story is virtually the same: when the exploiter righteous sees again that he needs to do something, some of the visitors leave. Plus, a in for part falls soured collectible to namby-pamby Cyberspace when redirecting to the App Store. Simply our main goal is not to force the drug user to download the coating in the application catalog, but to understand how to make the substance abuser download the application therein lay in. That is, to conduct an experiment.

Q: Well, another question. Let's say I'm a new developer and want to optimize my varlet. Why should I drop money on A / B testing my covering instead of going away and listening to general tips - they say the TV is useful, it works for everyone, add IT to your page.

Rovio, for instance, has undergone enormous examination with you. Imagine that they took and published an article on Habr happening how to better optimise the presentation of their application in the App Store, supported their own experience, with their statistics. How different will the tips be for unusual applications from dissimilar topics with different poin audiences?

E: So much tips, guides, articles are very good for adding to the name of hypotheses, but not for making decisions. Why? Because tied Rovio themselves made a big uncovering for themselves. For instance, they (and most other game developers) have always used horizontal screenshots.

It was previously believed that this should embody done because, most likely, gamers are more accustomed thereto, it is more convenient for them to study the game play on the loaded blind. And in other Rovio tests, we saw that they often used horizontal screenshots. In the second section of Angry Birds, they decided to just check: what bequeath happen if the screenshots are made vertical?

And it clad that it was for this game that erect screenshots worked better. We also had a careful surmisal, which is precisely because Angry Birds is such a game that even people who are very uttermost from the conception of a "gamer" can play it. For exemplar, I almost always hold my smartphone vertically, very rarely horizontally, if only I watch the video.

I want to say that the advice of other people is excellent, only you need to check everything on your coating and on your target audience.

Q: This case is precise clear, information technology becomes bring in why the testing was conducted. Are there any other experiments that LED to the irrefutable, which can personify same, or is information technology a secret?

E: Zero really comes to thinker now. We had a test with a major air fine seller. In that location, the bottom melodic line was that this company ready-made a video that almost no one watched.

That is, again, the question arose: why? We finished that this happened because the test was done in Russia, and in Russia many a already eff them, and if someone comes to download the application, the user wish non cost distracted - he needs the application. Information technology's not really important for a user in Russia to watch this video - everyone knows that this is an application for purchasing tickets. What considerate of surprise can there beryllium inside?

Just at the same time information technology's interesting, the video very often increases the turn of scrolls and screenshots. If we are talking about the App Store, then the video is put in situ of the prime screenshot. And visitors skip this first test to see others, take involved in the scrolling litigate, scroll further. This substance abuser deportment has been unchangeable in our tests. Perhaps there are other examples, but we did just that.

Q: So I'll try to indicate, maybe I think about kind of showcase. In my experience, when testing was conducted, e.g., with some kind of placid on elite networks, sometimes IT turned out that some bad content, obviously bad, comes in unusually well. For example, if you put a exposure of a salad braced at home, an olivier salad and a stunning salad ready-made by a chef, the first one will bring ameliorate, because the appearance of the "home" salad is very recognizable. It does non need to be absolutely beautiful.

Or another example: in Odnoklassniki, sometimes texts statute in caps solve better, although they look awful. Just such text takes and plant better for changeover. Now, maybe there are similar examples when some thing that should not have worked, picked up and worked?

E: Information technology's non even a separate story that comes to mind, it's basically such a frequent approach when a intriguer decides to change the current screenshots of an application to more recent, professional ones. Helium takes minimal screenshots: for example, fair an iPhone and an inscription connected top. The designer draws screenshots connected his 27 inches, and makes a font, a aphrodisiacal iPhone, a screenshot and that's information technology. But it often happens that new screenshots work worse precisely due to the fact that the designer believes that everything should live very cordate, selfsame minimalistic. But sometimes this thing does not bring up. Again, this selfsame much depends on the audience. You're talking about Odnoklassniki. The designer sometimes does not think that much than half of the visitors Crataegus laevigata not open the full-cover gallery of screenshots and they simply will not be able to read the textual matter - IT's too small, it is not visible on the thumbnails,

But this is non a universal advice, this is not always the case. If you look at the screenshots from Instagram - they generally have nowhere easier. A piece of the interface and text on top. But Instagram is a recognisable, fountainhead-known application program.

In general, you need to take screenshots so that when the visitor looked literally a secondly, half a second, he could match his eye for something.

Q: If we are being read by the owner of some coating that has not yet been testing - perhaps his application has not yet been released, he thinks how to launch it. What do you recommend, give way straight to you and start beta testing or say some literature first? Maybe you recommend that you read along the topic of proper design in addition to the publications that can represent found along our blog?

E: Firstly, I want to immediately greenbac that we allow examination regular before the application was released on the App Store. Here are the main tasks of our service: the first is to determine which icon, screenshot is better, the second is an analysis of user doings, and the third, very interesting component part, is that our religious service allows application owners, inauguration owners to better sympathise their positioning.
We had such a case, and not unmatched recently, when customers came to U.S., they had a product, had an idea for a ware, merely they did not know how to position it in the market correctly. And for much cases, you backside streamlet tests before the application is released, before it is output signal to the directory. Then, when you tick on the "download" button in the App Store operating theater Google Play, a dialog will appear on our landing page that the application program is not yet available, but you can leave your e-mail and we will notify you as soon as it is free.

Connected the single hand, a essa user database is being assembled before launch, on the other, tests can already be carried out. What is very essential is to try to understand your audience: what kind of hearing information technology is, what kind of targeting it is. In front that, it's very tough to suffice some openhearted of tests, because the dealings bequeath be very pricey attributable the lack of targeting. Such tests bathroom help you meliorate understand which audience is behaving and which audience is Thomas More interested in your product.

Q: But in Holy Order to start the tests, you still need to attain a serial publication of pages, that is, hypotheses are needed, basic options are needed. Would you recommend something Hera? Where do people go up to prepare?

E: Need to show all the features of the ware. And the almost important thing in the presentation of your product in the practical application catalogs is to show what benefit this applications programme will bring to the client. Roughly speaking, why a user's life will become better and happier after he has this practical application. I in person make this approach.

Q: Healthy, with that it is clear, let's attend at a potential future. Firstly, congratulations along receiving the investment.

E: Thanks!

Q: What are your plans for far development?

E: Oh, oodles of plans. In short, we are building a platform for mobile marketers, not developers. So that they force out get the maximum number of installations in our difficult time, when CPI tends to infinity. We can show how to squeeze the maximum out of already running advertising campaigns, how to squeeze the maximum dead of different channels. That is, this is all kinds of optimisation of user learning processes. So far, the implementation of this envision is a secret.

Q: You are biological process fast and helping customers optimize the presentation of each application program. Force out you handle it now?

E: We position ourselves as a self-armed service political platform, that is, we are by no agency an agency and, of course, we have a support that supports our customers. Nevertheless, we are doing everything sol that the user can cope without problems himself, we will automate everything Eastern Samoa more as possible. The user came at any moment of time, even at nighttime, he launched the experiment himself, made his ain conclusions, made his own decision and uploaded his application to the App Store. Of course, it's hard for us, because in that respect are already many customers. On the other hand, we invest in a product to make it even more graspable.

Q: Great, information technology was selfsame interesting to discuss these issues. I wish to move forward and I hope that Appodeal customers will be able-bodied to get the most exterior of your avail.


GET Interview with co-founder of the service for increasing the conversion of mobile applications SplitMetrics / Appodeal Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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